Armed Forces authorized to bear a spontoon and to salute with the left hand (although U.S. As such, he is the only soldier in all the U.S. The drum major of the Fife and Drum Corps traditionally bears an espontoon (a historic pike-like weapon) in his right hand to direct and command his unit. The Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps marches in Colonial style red coated uniforms-to be "better seen through the smoke of battle" the uniforms also include cocked hats and white powdered wigs. Other elements of The Old Guard include the Commander-in-Chief's Guard (Company A), replicating the personal guard of General George Washington wearing Colonial blue uniforms, powdered wigs, and cocked hats and bearing Brown Bess muskets and halberds at ceremonies and special events the US Army Drill Team, which demonstrates its skill and precision around the nation, and Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, which plays traditional arrangements of marching music, dating back to the time of the Continental Army.
The Caisson Platoon also provides the riderless horses used in full honors funerals and supports wounded warriors participating in the Therapeutic Riding Program. The Old Guard's Caisson Platoon at Arlington National Cemetery The Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps on parade in October 2006 Among these include the sentinels of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, maintaining a twenty-four-hour watch over one of the nation's most sacred sites the Continental Color Guard, which presents the nation's colors at special events across the Capitol Region the Presidential Salute Battery, which renders honors to senior dignitaries at arrival and wreath ceremonies, reviews, and full honors funerals and the US Army Caisson Platoon, which provides horses and riders to pull the caisson (the wagon that bears a casket) in military and state funerals. In addition to the marching platoons, there are also elements of The Old Guard that serve special roles unique both to the regiment as well as the U.S. This was granted in honor of the 1847 bayonet charge by the regiment during the Battle of Cerro Gordo in the war with Mexico. Armed Forces authorized, by a 1922 decree of the War Department, to march with fixed bayonets in all parades. The Old Guard is the only unit in the U.S. Special events include the Twilight Tattoo, a weekly performance in the adjacent Washington area on Wednesday evenings from May to July, and the Spirit of America, a historical pageant presented at three national venues in September. The Old Guard's ceremonial task list includes full honor arrivals for visiting dignitaries, wreath ceremonies at the Tomb of the Unknowns, and full honor reviews in support of senior army leaders and retiring soldiers. Old Guard soldiers also perform all dignified transfers of fallen soldiers returning to the United States. Memorial affairs missions include standard and full honors funerals in Arlington National Cemetery and dignified transfers at Dover Air Force Base. Memorial affairs and ceremonial mission The 3d Infantry during a welcome for French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife for his first state visit to Washington, April 23, 2018 On order, it conducts defense in support of civil authorities in the National Capital Region and deploys elements in support of overseas contingency operations. The unit also trains for its support role to civil authorities in a wide range of scenarios and for deployments in support of overseas contingency operations. Army, communicating its story to United States citizens and the world.Īlthough The Old Guard primarily functions in a ceremonial role, it is an infantry unit and thus required to meet standards for certification in its combat role. The regiment's mission is to conduct memorial affairs to honor fallen comrades and ceremonies and special events to represent the U.S. It has been the official ceremonial unit of the U.S. The 3rd is the oldest regiment still active in the Regular Army, having been first organized as the First American Regiment in 1784. The regiment is a major unit of the Military District of Washington (MDW). The regimental motto is Noli Me Tangere (from Latin: – "Touch Me Not"). It currently has three active battalions, and is readily identified by its nickname, The Old Guard, as well as Escort to the President. The 3rd United States Infantry Regiment is a regiment of the United States Army.